All of the outside sensors in the Vue ISS (ie wind speed/direction, temperature/humidity and rainfall) are located together in a single, compact, non-separable assembly, specifically designed for ease and simplicity of mounting and for minimising visual impact. This sealed, integrated construction with no external connections also allows the Vue ISS to offer maximum weather-proofing and corrosion resistance thereby making the Vue stations especially suitable for use at highly exposed sites.
A passive radiation shield for the temperature sensor is fitted as standard. And the new 'tipping spoon' rain gauge is of course self-emptying.
For anyone already familiar with the VP2 stations, the sensor specifications are very similar to the VP2 in terms of accuracy, data update frequency etc - although the Vue ISS does admittedly look rather different!
Sealed electronics in the ISS provide protection against the elements and thorough testing has confirmed that the ISS survives cyclic corrosion tests simulating wear in extreme weather environments.
The Vue sensors are primarily powered from a solar panel built into the ISS design as standard and backed up by a small lithium battery, when necessary (typical battery life is about 18 months).
It is worth underlining that the wireless technology used in the Vue is identical to that in the Vantage Pro 2 stations. Consequently, all of the wireless repeater options available for the VP2 to extend the range and penetration of the wireless signal are also fully compatible with the Vue. So the range from Vue ISS to console can readily be doubled with a single standard repeater, with the long range repeater option offering still greater range.
Note that the Vue system is not designed to receive data from any of the supplementary VP2 wireless transmitters, such as the Supplementary Temperature or Soil Moisture stations. (There is an exception in the case of the 6332 VP2 Anemometer Transmitter - more details on request).